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Love Packages - 09/06/2019

Free Bibles for the hungry and thirsty in other countries....

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What do you do with your old Bibles and Christian Literature?  Are they just sitting on your shelf collecting dust?

WOW!! I am not a great writer so this being my first official blog post on our website is huge.

But I have chosen a subject that became really near and dear to my heart this summer. God has been working in my heart in many ways but this has also caused Satan to attack harder than ever. If you know me I am fighter and I don’t give up very easy but I have been very close to giving up several times this past year.

However this summer Ryan and I along with our youth group went on a Youth at LP Mission Trip to Butler Illinois and it honestly changed my life!!  It is hard for me to even put in words!!

But enough about me!! You might wonder what in the world is in Butler Illinois, a town of 250, which is so life changing. Well it a place called Love Packages. And let me tell you the place is packed with love!! A love for God that is so contagious that if you spend any time there you will be changed.

Directly from their website: “Love Packages collects Bible donations—as well as donations of Christian books, Sunday School materials, and more—from people and publishers across the U.S. and ship it to our network of distributors all over the world.  We ship more than 1000 tons of recycled gospel literature on the mission field every year. Our goal for 2019 is to ship 2000 tons overseas.”

Where is this going you might ask?  At Glenn’s Bulk Food Shoppe and Gospel Bookstore we have sold many Bibles, books and Sunday school Material….but how much extra do you have? Do you have old Bibles or any Christian Literature that you aren’t using and its just collecting dust in your house? Did you know that in some foreign countries pastors are teaching entire villages with one tract? They don’t even own a Bible but they have found Jesus through ONE piece of paper and have been teaching their village from that one piece of God's word. Love Packages is working to change that! All items are shipped to various countries and are distributed free of charge to the local people!

IMG 7562We here at Glenn’s would love to assist them in their mission of “Keeping people out of Hell”.  Therefore we are doing a book or Bible drive – Anything that can share the love of Christ works!! Used or new – torn & tattered or in perfect condition – We don’t care!! We will collect it!! Drop it off at the store anytime!! We will then ensure that the materials then get passed along to Love Packages so they will then be shipped on to people who do not have the means or even access to these materials in their country!!  This is not just a one time thing we have actually been named a collection point for Love Packages. The details have not been worked out but we will collect - then when we have a good amount collected we will either ship or deliver it to Butler Illinois and they will then ship it on!!

If you want to know more about this organization to go https://lovepackages.org/!! You will find many testimonials of things that have happened that could only be orchestrated by God. You will find more ways to help there too!! If you would like to volunteer your time to help them sort and pack boxes you can contact them to setup a time!! They are funded strictly by relying on God to provide through donations – so send funds or even just pray!!!

1000 Bibles Testimony Kenya 1000 Bibles Testimony Uganda IMG 7560

I’m telling you this organization is for real!! I learned so much from them in the short two days that we were there!! It truly was life changing for me!!

So bring us your materials and we promise to pass it along to them!!! To God be the glory!! 

Blessings, Glenda